What is
From Stressed To Best™?
It’s a proven program for reducing everyday stress that produces remarkable results!
Because people are different, a “one-size-fits-all” approach to stress reduction simply will not work.
Instead, From Stressed to Best™ uses definable personality differences to pinpoint specific, individualized steps to reduce stress.
Using Personality Type as a foundation, the program was developed to solve this serious contemporary problem. It produces immediate results by reducing stress and improving communication with clients, customers and coworkers.
What You Discover will Change Your Life:
Discover your inborn Personality Type – how your mind works, what actually causes you stress and why it differs by Personality Type.
Discover your Stress Mode and how to use the combined letters of your Personality Type to recognize when you are stressed, learn how to stop your stress response and harness your natural relaxation response instead.
Discover your Best Mode of operating and create your own, individualized 4-point action plan to move from your Stress Mode to your Best Mode.
Discover the inborn strengths of your Personality Type, to help you achieve success in all aspects of your life.
Begin to understand the Personality Types of your friends, family, and coworkers to help you improve all your relationships, both personal and professional.
Experience the satisfaction when what you do and say gives you a warm and welcoming reaction from all the people in your life.
From Stressed to Best™ is being used by:
Individuals – to deal with personal stress.
Families – to better understand and support each other.
Corporations – in their wellness programs.
Supervisors – to enhance employee engagement and promote teamwork.
Civic, social and other groups – to promote harmony and effectiveness.
Teachers – to understand differences in hard-wired learning styles.
Health Care Providers – to reduce the stress associated with many health issues
If you don't yet know your personality type, please take the FREE assesment and take it prior to your session. you may also give it to friends
and family members. Use it as often as you like. You will get even more benefit from the information if you know your type and the types of significant people in your life.
Please click here to download and take the test. Once completed please email it to me to fundakahn@gmail.com.
Thank you